
Do you want your adult son/daughter with autism to fully develop his/her potential  ?

Try FEDEA School !

Educational excellence !

Your child deserves it !

The FEDEA School Post-secondary Curriculum (ages 18 and over) is divided into three stages, Young Adult A, for ages 18 to 22, which corresponds to A Level (British Curriculum), Young Adult B, for ages 22 to 25, and Young Adult C, for ages 25 and over.

Our Young Adult Curriculum builds on the Secondary Curriculum and includes the following subjects :

English, French, Spanish or German, Mathematics, Accountancy, Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, History, Art, History of Art, Music, Technology, Physical Education and Sports (swimming, basketball, rollerblading, ice-skating, tennis, nordic walking).

During their Post-secondary studies at FEDEA School the high functioning students of the Young Adult classes can continue their preparation for GCSE exams or prepare A Level exams.

All students enrolled in our Young Adult A, B and C classes have access to the FEDEA School Music Program. This program includes the history of music, music theory, listening and singing. The students also have the opportunity to study and become familiar with various wind instruments (saxophone, flute, trumpet), percussion instruments (drums, cajón) and string instruments (guitar, violin, cello, double bass, harp, piano).

Students with more limited academic aptitude also greatly benefit from the FEDEA expertise and are also taught all subjects of the FEDEA School Young Adult Curriculum. The FEDEA Curriculum is of course adapted to their level, age-appropriate and very motivating in order to ensure progress and success !

FEDEA School obtains excellent results for each age range. Enrol your child and see him/her progress each day !

You can contact us by email for initial enquiries.